Over the past number of years, updates have been made to four OSU Extension publications related to prescribed burning and smoke management:
NREM-2878 (Fire Prescriptions for Restoration and Maintenance of Native Plant Communities) Revised Aug 2018
E-927 (Using Prescribed Fire in Oklahoma) Revised Feb 2021
E-1008 (Smoke Management for Prescribed Burning) Revised Mar 2021
E-1010 (Oklahoma Prescribed Burning Handbook) Revised Jun 2021
Links to these revised publications are conveniently located on the "Contacts and Learning Tools" page of OK-FIRE (see left menu) within the "OSU Extension Materials" section. You can view the PDF publications directly, download them, or print them out. Many of the changes pertain to products within OK-FIRE as well as where to find them within the new website architecture that occurred in October 2017. Also many new links to other relevant OSU extension publications have been added to these revised documents.